Civita Place of Thought

10 Aug 2021 - 17 Sep 2021

'Civita Place of Thought' attracts a lineup of prominent figures: from Cucinelli to Veltroni. Dodi Battaglia (Pooh), Moser, Crepet, Galimberti, and renowned journalism personalities are on their way.

Civita Place of Thought, the 2021 edition, features prominent names and focuses on the path towards the UNESCO World Heritage candidacy for the Cultural Landscape of Civita di Bagnoregio. Among the most anticipated and desired events in this significant year is the master lecture on beauty and humanism by cashmere entrepreneur Brunello Cucinelli.

Cucinelli has received numerous national and international recognitions for his "humanistic capitalism." In 2018, the University of Messina awarded him an honorary doctoral degree in Philosophy, recognizing him as a "concrete thinker, cultural promoter, and true patron of our times." Previous honors include the prestigious title of Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic, the title of Knight of Labour bestowed by the President of the Republic, an honorary degree in Philosophy and Ethics of Human Relations from the University of Perugia, and the Global Economy Prize presented by the esteemed Kiel Institute for the World Economy, recognizing him for "perfectly embodying the figure of the Honorable Merchant."

The event is scheduled for 9:00 PM (starting time for all events except the first one with Ferroni) in Piazza San Donato in Civita, on Friday, August 27th. "We have worked within very tight schedules and in a complex event context, and we are doubly satisfied with the achieved outcome. It will be an edition with prominent names, but above all with interventions and books that we consider interesting for the current debate. Each meeting will also be an opportunity to promote the work of our World Heritage candidacy," said Mayor Luca Profili.

"Culture is at the heart of the promotion and development model of the territory, which is rewarding everyone with significant results we have achieved and maintained despite the challenges of the pandemic," stated Francesco Bigiotti, CEO of Casa Civita. "We have worked closely with the municipal administration to bring forth an engaging program that will be talked about in newspapers and on social media platforms in Bagnoregio. It's a positive promotion that we look at with confidence and optimism."

Opening the series of meetings will be Giulio Ferroni, author of the book 'L'Italia di Dante. Viaggio nel Paese della Commedia' ('Dante's Italy: A Journey through the Land of the Comedy'). This event is part of the commemorations for the seven hundred years since the death of the supreme poet, a tribute Bagnoregio honored with honorary citizenship for Dante. The meeting with Ferroni is scheduled for Friday, August 6th, at Casa del Vento (6:00 PM).

On August 10th, one of the most well-known faces in Italian journalism, Antonio Polito, will present the book 'La regola del cammino' ('The Rule of the Path'). On August 14th in Civita, a special duo: historic Pooh guitarist Dodi Battaglia and cycling champion Francesco Moser. They will be on stage together to discuss their books 'Le mie 60 compagne di viaggio' ('My 60 Travel Companions') and 'Francesco Moser'. An acoustic concert by Dodi Battaglia will conclude the interview.

On August 16th, Claudio Colaiacomo will present his book 'Le incredibili curiosità di Roma' ('The Incredible Curiosities of Rome') in Civita. August 19th will feature Mirko Zilahy with 'L'uomo del bosco' ('The Man of the Forest') in Civita. On August 21st, Costantino D'Orazio will present 'Vite di artisti eccellenti' ('Lives of Excellent Artists') at Casa del Vento. On August 24th, in Piazza San Donato in Civita, Walter Veltroni will discuss 'Il caso Moro e la Prima Repubblica' ('The Moro Case and the First Republic'). August 26th will bring another prominent figure to Civita: Paolo Crepet with 'Oltre la tempesta' ('Beyond the Storm').

On September 1st, at 9:00 PM, there will be Emilio Solfrizzi's show 'Roger' at Piazzale Biondini. On September 2nd, Umberto Galimberti will arrive at Casa del Vento with 'Cosa significa pensare' ('What It Means to Think'). On September 5th, the show 'Buoni da morire' ('Too Good to Die') with Debora Caprioglio, Pino Quartullo, Gianluca Ramazzotti. The final event will feature another prominent name in Italian journalism, Ezio Mauro, at Casa del Vento on September 17th.

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