Jun 2021

Civita Cinema Revives Culture in Bagnoregio

Four days of meetings and film screenings at Taborra for the fifth edition of the Festival

Four days of Civita Cinema in Bagnoregio. From July first to fourth, join us at the Taborra Auditorium at 9:15 PM for meetings and film screenings, all free of charge until seats are filled, while respecting all current Covid-19 regulations. It will be mandatory, for example, to wear a mask inside the Auditorium. "Civita Cinema is a cornerstone of our cultural offering, and despite the constraints imposed by the difficult situation we have experienced, we are convinced to launch this fifth edition, marking the beginning of the summer in Bagnoregio. It won't be an edition with large numbers like the ones before Covid – I think of the night of the tightrope walker Andrea Loreni in Fellini's footsteps and Nicola Piovani's concert in Piazza Cavour – but it's still important to keep the initiative alive and provide continuity. In 2022, we'll be ready to shine even brighter." These are the words of Mayor of Bagnoregio Luca Profili.

"Being there is the most important thing right now," emphasizes the sole administrator of Casa Civita, Francesco Bigiotti. "We have discussed extensively with artistic directors Vaniel Maestosi and Glauco Almonte, and the choice of four evenings at Taborra seemed most fitting. We believe we can generate interest and talk about our territory regardless."

On the first day (Thursday, July 1st) of the fifth edition of Civita Cinema, there will be a meeting at 9:15 PM at Taborra with director Simone Spada, followed by the screening of the film 'Domani è un altro giorno' (Tomorrow Is Another Day), featuring an extraordinary cast led by Marco Giallini and Valerio Mastrandrea. On Friday, July 2nd, it will be the turn of another director: Claudio Giovannesi. The appointment is again at 9:15 PM at Taborra, followed by the screening of the film 'La paranza dei bambini' (Piranhas), which won the Silver Bear at the 2019 Berlin Film Festival.

Saturday, July 3rd, at 9:15 PM at Taborra, a video interview with director Giorgio Diritti will precede the screening of the film 'Volevo nascondermi' (Hidden Away), where the extraordinary Elio Germano brings to life the intense story of the painter Ligabue. On Sunday, July 4th, at 9:15 PM at Taborra, a video intervention by director Susanna Nicchiarelli will introduce the screening of the film 'Miss Marx', depicting the life of the daughter of one of the thinkers who most influenced the 20th century and her struggles.

"In the past two years, many aspects have been terribly challenging, both in human and work terms. For instance, the live events sector remained completely paralyzed, and for those in this profession, there's nothing worse than not being able to organize all the details that a Festival requires in time. Until last month, it wasn't even clear if events with an audience could take place; there were bans and curfews, and thinking about events was the last concern for everyone. There's no specific blame for anyone; no one knows how to handle a pandemic, but organizing an event in such a short time and with a thousand uncertainties is to say the least complex, mainly due to the lack of time and the significant reduction of funds due to the crisis, affecting both public and private sectors. Civita Cinema has tried its best to organize a r-esistance edition because continuing to exist means hoping to shine brightly in 2022. The Festival will take place in person and free of charge until seats are filled at the Taborra Auditorium, while adhering to all Covid-19 health prevention regulations. Finally, let us thank with esteem and affection all the institutions, sponsors, and partners who continue to believe in us and in this event, as well as Mayor Luca Profili of Bagnoregio, the Municipal Administration, and Francesco Bigiotti, Sole Administrator of Casa Civita." These are the words of artistic directors Vaniel Maestosi and Glauco Almonte.

Civita Cinema is realized with the support and contribution of Italiana Assicurazioni, Creval, Terme dei Papi, Menichelli, Ambrosi, MIC - Cinema Directorate, Regione Lazio, Comune di Bagnoregio, Casa Civita, Fondazione Carivit, Università della Tuscia, Roma Lazio Film Commission, UIL Scuola Viterbo, Caffè Fida, Cantina di Montefiascone, IDM Assicura, Fratelli Marmo, AEM, Centro Medico Bartoleschi, Civico Zero Resort, Studio Dentistico Flavio Trapè, Carramusa Group, Ergonet, Manzi Petroli, Etikart, Grotta di Sale di Marta, Magna Civita, Acqua di Civita, Ottica Breccola, Hotel Divino Amore, Agriturismo Buonasera.

For information, photos, and videos, visit the website www.civitacinema.it and the social media pages on Facebook and Instagram: Civita Cinema."

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18-10-2024 09:06
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