Rai Radio Uno in Bagnoregio for two days

10 May 2019 - 12 May 2019

Rai Radio Uno live from Bagnoregio with two broadcasts

Rai Radio Uno in Bagnoregio for two days to talk about the beauty of the area and the murals of Sant'Angelo di Roccalvecce. A recognition of the centrality of Bagnoregio in the tourist development of the whole of Tuscia.

The important radio channel will be present with two programs: Centocittà and Marypop, which will broadcast from La Casa del Vento in a way that can also be enjoyed by enthusiasts and the curious.

Inside the Casa del Vento itself, the exhibition 'Sant'Angelo the Land of Fairy Tales in the Photos of Moreno Maggi' will be present until the end of May. It consists of 23 photographs of the murals of Sant'Angelo plus a 2.66 by 2 meter blow-up of Alessandra Carloni's mural entitled 'Il volo di Civita', dedicated to Bagnoregio.

Centocittà is on air Friday from 9.30 to 10.30. Hosted by Ilaria Amenta and with correspondent Diana Alessandrini, it will have as guests the mayor of Bagnoregio Francesco Bigiotti, the president of the Acas association Gianluca Chiovelli and the mayor of Viterbo Giovanni Arena. Marypop is on Saturday from 10.30am to 11am. Hosted by Maria Teresa Lamberti and with correspondent Diana Alessandrini, it will have as guests the psychiatrist Paolo Crepet, the international architectural photographer and author of the photos of the exhibition, the artists Tina Loiodice and Alessandra Carloni and the Celleno chef Andrea Sterpino.

In Sant'Angelo from 10 to 12 May, also conceived by ACAS, the first Sant'Angelo Mural Festival will take place with a series of initiatives that also involve elementary school groups in the Viterbo area. Children and tourists will have the opportunity to see three artists at work while completing their works: Tino Loiodice, Pinocchio; Alessandra Carloni, The Flight of Civita; Stefania Marchetto, The sword in the stone.

On Sunday 12 May the Circolo Bateson, a group of academics and philosophers, will be in Sant'Angelo to study the impact of the project on the Tuscia area.

Furthermore, on Sunday 12 May the association La Via degli Artisti organizes the Day on the path of castles and fairy tales, with free participation: an 8 km walk and bicycle ride starting at 9.30 from Celleno, passing through the ghost village, then touching Roccalvecce with the castle and finally arriving in Sant'Angelo and visiting the murals. Reservations at number 328.4489106

Also on Sunday 12 May in Sant'Angelo there will also be the mayor of Selci in Sabina, Egisto Colamedici, a municipality that has already created 11 murals and is interested in a twinning with Sant'Angelo.

On November 27, 2017, with the large mural of Alice in Wonderland, Sant'Angelo, the Land of Fairy Tales, began to take shape. A project curated by the ACAS association, which already has 17 works and will see the progressive creation, along the streets of the village, of an itinerary of murals and installations inspired by fairy tales, fantastic literature and
legend: an open-air museum aimed at everyone, young and old, tourists and the simply curious, capable of enhancing the very rich local and European folklore and opening up to the appreciation of every citizen of the world.

It is part of the general movement of valorization and rebirth of Tuscia, guided by the winning experience of Civita di Bagnoregio, now the main tourist attraction of the entire territory and which in fact immediately agreed to participate in the project with its own mural and to host this exhibition in the evocative structure of the Casa del Vento.

The works on the walls and on the walls of Sant'Angelo, The Little Prince and Hansel and Gretel, Don Quixote and Pinocchio, just to name a few, are slowly merging with the real country in a game where reality and fantasy chase each other and confuse each other continuously.

Tina Loiodice, Daniela Lai, Lidia Scalzo, Isabella Modanese, Stefania Capati, Cecilia Tacconi, Alessandra Carloni, Stefania Marchetto are the authors who have given and will give away the murals that will form an ideal country of Ladies Artists.

Moreno Maggi is the photographer who captured these works and with them moments of life in the village, visited by tourists and the curious, by families, by filmmakers, by scholars, who in ever greater numbers are interested in the phenomenon that the town is giving life to .

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14-03-2025 16:50
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